Cartographica 1.2 Development Status Report - Feb 28

Certainly has been quite a bit longer than I expected to take between reports about Cartographica 1.2's ongoing development. However,we've been continuing to move forward rapidly on some infrastructure changes and new features for 1.2. Check out our latest moves after the link.

Here are some more highlights of what you'll see in version 1.2:

Significantly improved Adobe Illustrator output

We know a lot of customers on the Mac are looking for more control over the output and especially ways to integrate maps from Cartographica into their production workflows. We're going to be delivering a lot of exciting new capabilities in 1.2 for file export, and want to specifically call out some new features in the Illustrator export module-

  • Legends now display in the artboard area
  • Image layers now export to illustrator files as embedded images (at user-selectable resolution). Use this to include satellite or WMS imagery.
  • Labels are now exported (on a separate Illustrator layer for each Cartographica layer). We match the fonts to those that you chose and use Illustrator's in-built ability to follow lines to label on lines. Area labels can be exported to fit in the area or be centered on the area.

Better classification

We're now allowing distribution using a Jenks Natural Distribution method when editing styles, allowing you to automatically create style breaks based on the data

###Image projection revamp We've completely revamped our handling of projections in imagery. This includes the oft-requested feature of being able to add or edit georeferences (ground control points) to existing imagery as well as much more accurate handling of imagery data that isn't stored north-up. These should be welcome to anyone who uses a lot of satellite imagery or other raster data.

Lots of internal changes

We continue to make strides in overhauling the internals of Cartographica, taking advantage of more 10.6 features and performance enhancements and increasing accuracy and speed overall.

As you can imagine this just scratches the surface

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