Cartographica 1.1 shipping now!

ClueTrust is happy to announce that Cartographica 1.1 is now shipping!

There are improvements throughout the software, and if you haven't had a chance to take a look since 1.0 (or before), it's worth taking a another look. To make this easy, we've re-enabled keys for everyone who has tried Cartographica in the past (even if you don't get our emails), so go on over to our lost key page and request a replacement key if yours has expired already. These new keys last until October 15th, 2009.

Among the big changes are support for very large images, even on very small computers. The image handling code now uses "windowing" to take a look into data and read just the pieces of files necessary to view at the screen resolution (or printer resolution) at that time. This works particularly well with compressed images, such as ECW, MrSID, and JPEG.

Much more control is available over the presentation of raster data made up of non-picture data (such as DEM maps).

Selection and filtering have been improved with the introduction of "Advanced Filters" that allow you to select data based on multiple criteria (population 50, as an example).

Map Layout improvements include the addition of a Compass and increased flexibility in handling Scale elements

Plus, much more. Check out the full list in our Release Notes for 1.1

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