
GIS Day 2005

National Geographic is sponsoring November 16th, 2005 as GIS Day, a day to learn about GIS and geography. GIS Day coordinates many local events to provide an understanding of what's going on in the world of GIS and geography to the public. In DC, you can visit the National Zoo of the Smithsonian Institute for a show-and-tell of GIS activities around the Smithsonian.

Welcome to

Welcome to, ClueTrust's GIS home on the Internet! Although ClueTrust is relatively new to the GIS space, we're intent on making sure that we help the community as we get more involved. As such, we've established the Cartographica.Com web site as a clearing house for pointers to information about GIS and GIS-related news stories, as well as other mapping information. Take a look around and have a good time!